Our certified teachers (of which the director is one) and our staff are guided by a compassionate interpretation of Maria Montessori's principles of social, mental and physical development. We encourage our students to experience the joy of discovery in open, supportive, classroom settings and prepared environments. We pride ourselves on our low student to teacher ratio. Our teachers develop age-appropriate activities that introduce and strengthen academic and social skills, as well as a love for music, art, small animals, nature and other cultures. 

     And please don't think we have forgotten Reading, Math, and Science! Quite the contrary! Our students excel in these areas and typically test one full grade-level (or more) higher than their public school counterparts.   

     In addition to the Basics, we offer students a wide range of gross motor and creative opportunities including music and dance, on-going art workshops, and outside activities in our large play-ground area and gardens. We strive to include enrichment activities that extend our students knowledge and understanding of the world and of the many cultures outside our own. Our gardens (and our many classroom pets) provide opportunities for young children to work with the soil and to develop a profound appreciation and respect for Life.  

     We are committed to your child's development and we understand the importance you have placed on his or her education. We also understand the importance of social interactions between you and our staff and between you and the other parents. And we deeply appreciate the trust you have placed in us!
Our Curriculum:  A Child-centered, Holistic Approach